This was the big one. This was the new Telafonica, on plastic, and live in our home territory. There was a lot of excitement, hope and many butterflies. All pink, I think. The most delightful thing of the evening was that there were more friends than butterflies. It felt exactly like a celebration. It felt just right for the finale of the year for us.
I was feeling a bit tired before Charles Daaboul played so I wandered down to the cafe and ordered a cappuccino and four gourmet chocolates (which I of course shared with Adrian). That's where I met Mo who decided to give me his own special version of a latte which was like nothing I have ever tasted before. It was a "naked shot" of coffee - 2.5 times the strength of what I was expecting. I tasted the froth and it was like a punch in the head. Then I had the sensation of my heart trying to knock its way out of my chest with the next sip. Funnily enough, from then on the coffee tasted great, although I thought I might be awake until Monday.
I'm not going to say that we played perfectly - I don't think that is ever the Telafonica aesthetic really. We did have a lot of fun, though, and the glorious audience were in there with us which was magical. So many wonderful people came from all over the place in our Telafonilives!
We played the new album front to back and climbed aboard the Belafonte and even performed "Aeowyn and the Absolute Truth" live for the very first time (bit rough - needs a bit of a spit and polish).
We sold lots of CDs and gave away this year's Christmas CD "O Come All Ye Faithless" and we hope that all purchasers will be completely satisfied with "Love on the Second Stair".
Finally, in place of La Ziko's, we toddled off down to the new churros shop to test out the authenticity of their Spanish fare. The place looked and felt very much like a Spanish cafe. The churros were not quite up to Adrian's Spanish abuela's but the company was good and food really isn't all about the food, is it?
It was so fun and we are so thankful to all involved - truly joyful!
The set list:
I Can't Make you Love Me
Smells Like Rain
But I Lose Myself
The Quest for Love Aboard the Belafonte
Aeowyn and the absolute Truth
Time to Move the Nest
Don't Speak for Me
The Separation Prepared this for Another Marriage
Hehe- from what I keep hearing and seeing, Mars Hill seems to be the place of surprising, pack-a-punch coffee experiences :)
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