This morning Telafonica jumped in the Spacia and took off for FBI Radio Station for a chat with the legendary Stephen Ferris. The FBI "agents" were lovely people who welcomed us with big smiles and much appreciated cold water. (Hot day!)
The studio was quite swish and Stephen Ferris and Miles Martignoni so impressive in their efficiency and professionalism that I personally felt a bit shy when we were setting up. That said, Stephen went on to lead us in a merry conversation in which Adrian was extremely articulate and we all learned from Ellie the origins of the phrase "love on the second stair". That is, the poem by A.A. Milne called "Halfway Down" from the book "When We Were Very Young". It was worth the whole experience just for that one delightful discovery.
We also played our acoustic version of "The Quest for Love Aboard the Belafonte". I was hoping that my Facebook friends everywhere were playing along with my typewriter on their laptops and keyboards. I imagined a mighty chorus of tick tacking across the length and breadth of greater Sydney. I also typed a secret word for Facebook friends to guess in order to win themselves our brand new Christmas CD. I shall magnanimously extend this competition to readers of the blog. If you are the first to guess the secret word I typed during Belafonte, you may have a free Christmas CD a la Telafonica.
All in all, it was great fun. Stephen Ferris gave a plug for our gig and our album and even had a photo taken with us. It was a happy happy adventure!
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