the idea---
we take 10-15 minutes worth of ideas that are compiled in a short recording/song and use them as the foundation for a new song. i thought that a cd playlist would look good like that, and be really interesting to listen to, if you had not just songs, but 'song couples' ie. i press record and come out with a riff, and then sing straight on top of it and come up with a melody alongside some scratchy percussion recordings this becomes the draft then a few days later (or whatever) adrian adds a bass line in and eliza comes up with a couple of new sections and then bec writes some more words that build on any idea that she's drawn from the little lyrics i wrote...
i am thinking that it would be really great listening to scratchy, short demos and then hearing a polished song that evolved from that original demo
it would be especially interesting with telafonica as we have 4 very different members- the degree of change and development between 'the demo' and 'the song' would be significant
(i'm not always fantastic at explanations)
so basically, the idea is to make a recording of the first flashes of creativity when something new is being made, so that this can be used further down the track in some sort of release form to show the difference between that first bit and the finished product?
yeh i think that's it, maybe
You're right Blake - explaining things is not your forte.
I love the slight change in the blog design. Bee-yootiful.
your affirmation is welcome, as always
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