
Psst! Ellie and Blake!

AJE is out of town and off the net. Let's make some executive decisions! :)


Blake said...

official band name change- 'Bloody Adrian'

Bec said...

Good, yes! Keep those ideas coming!

Blake said...

we stop singing in songs; we start yelling in songs

Bec said...

Yes and we have a minimum height for membership of the band!

Blake said...

looks like it will be the blake/bec band VERSUS the adrian/ellie band for western sydney domination

Bec said...

And top hats don't count!

Bec said...

oh, you know eliza! she's a week behind on reading the blog! she'll come on board when she gets around to reading this!

Blake said...

we're missing jenna in our house
we share in the same pain (joy)

Eliza said...

Shut up! I read the blog every day, only there's never anything remotely interesting on it.

I'm joining the Blake/Bec bandwagon. 'Bloody Adrian' is a bloody good band name, Blake. Bravo.

And band members aren't allowed to copy other band members' hairdos - personally I've always thought Adrian has mooched off my curly style.

Eliza said...

And we can go to Maccas whenever we want.

Eliza said...

And we will make ugg boots our new band uniform. Yes, that's it! Ugg boots and nothing else!

Bec said...

Except for trakky dakks!

Blake said...

-we go to maccas every gig night
-we shave adrian's head
-we buy uniform tracksuit pants

Eliza said...

And they'll have every colour on them except orange.

Bec said...

Done! When are you coming over for TelafoniChristmas dinner?

Blake said...

i don't know... when are we?
(definitely not the 23rd or the 25th)

Bec said...

Hmm... What about the 27th? (26th is year 10 graduation - compulsory for both of us). The 27th is scheduled as Imojjen and Aeowyn's horse show. Maybe I could get tickets for you and Ellie to attend?

Blake said...

that sounds good to me (i have no other commitments for that night, at the moment)

Eliza said...

Are we talking about November or December? December is chockas for me.

Blake said...

i'm sure that we are talking about december as we are all aware of your december escapades

Eliza said...

Are you being silly or confused, Blake? The Year 10 thing is November I think. I probably could do Nov 27th.

Blake said...

i meant to write 'NOT talking about december'

Bec said...

November 27. Oh, and the horse show is i the afternoon so it does not clash with our celebrations. What do you think?

ajebec said...

i look forward to watching the three of you perform topless in your blue king-gee tracky-dakks.

good luck being the only normal one with two morning people who want to go to bed early, eliza.

Blake said...

she'll need luck... lots of it

Eliza said...

Hmm, an excellent point. But I'm the one who has to get to bed early because of work, anyway.

The 27th works for me. Goody goody gumnuts.