
demo mixtapes

i had an idea which i pitched to clan analogue. the response there has been a bit lukewarm, but it might get up and running. the idea was that people could upload bits of music in progress and then, every month or so, someone can come along and pick out different bits and make a 20-30 minute mixtape from any of the bits they's like to stick together. i was imagining that, because they were work in progress and might be reasonably minimal, they could be layered quite extensively to build up the sound. one of the places the idea came from is the oneofour collective, which some of the guys from seekae and ghoul, amongst others, are a part of. anyway, as i said, there's been a little bit of a response at clan analogue, so i'll probably get something up and running, but whether or not it progresses there is another story. however, after doing that, i figured that telafonica actually has lots of bits of music lying around in different stages of completion - some that may never go further, others that have already had lots more work done to them. but i thought we could use that idea just using our own bits of music. so i've done one to start it off, and i'll upload it soon. but i thought it might be nice, if we do it semi-regularly, to actually name the series and then just have each one as a volume.

so....the question is, does anyone have a name they think might work for the idea?


Bec said...

How about something to do with being "Refried"- you know how I love refried beans! : )

Eliza said...

I think you should call it Slartibartfast.

Bec said...

Hahaha! Ellie, everything you say cracks me up!

Eliza said...

Hehe. Well, I enjoy cracking you up.

Eliza said...

Hehe. Well, I enjoy cracking you up.