Once I’ve uploaded the in-progress site I’d like to look as you mentioned at the design of this blog before it’s made public. One question is whether blogger is the best we can do for an existing platform. I really just picked it out of the air. It seems fine – but there’s others out there that may be better. I noticed with wordpress that we can set up a flickr stream which could be quite nice. We passed this site around work today where all the content is piped in from wordpress. This kind of thing is exciting because it opens up the potential for people like you and me to run sites which WE design while all the content is managed through an existing – easy to use – automatically maintained database. Whilst myspace is a great tool for networking – it is disgusting to look at and use. It would be nice to send people to a site they can interact with – and we can constantly maintain with living content – including words, pictures and music. I will do some further research.
I like your statements on speed and intent to overwhelm. The current version I am working on is much slower as you suggested – though I must mention as an aside… you freaked me out with your school teacher tone in that post.
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