The first delight was the Roxbury Room itself. What a great venue and the toilets were topnotch (unlike the Sly Fox which is missing a couple of doors in the ladies'). Very comfy with red theatrical curtains and a great atmosphere.

Delight number two was definitely "We Say Bamboulee". Telafonica&c became instant fans. Even before they played, we loved them when we saw them walk in with their autoharp. Their music is great and they bounce with energy and their joy for playing is very infectious!

While Shady Lane were performing some excellent music, Tim and Blake toddled off to the bar to have their first beer. Whatever the after effects may have been, both gentlemen were left with the feeling of having attained a higher level of masculinity. Hurrah.
We then trotted onto the stage with our growing menagerie of instrumentation. My Lemair Helvetia type writer made its debut and, with much prayer and sweat, I think I managed to keep the rhythm 99% of the time. We played some old old and some new new and were very sad to have disappointed We Say Bamboulee by not playing Nothing Ventured. Deepest Apologies. This is what we did play:
This is the New Thing
The Quest for Love Aboard the Belafonte
Don't Speak for Me
The Separation
Send Away
One and One

Last but not least were Sherlock's Daughter who were exponentially inspiring to us all. The music was wonderful and the performance was so free - everybody up and down and around all the instruments. Very magical.
We always round out the evening at our favourite chow spot Laziko's which is situated just before the portal which takes us back to the Western Suburbs. The food is always satisfying and the video clips incessantly serve up a selection of beach wear for inner city America which greatly amused the three lads (aged 18, 18 and 36) who were seated facing the screen.
It was lovely to see Leyne and Gene again. Very nice people in the neighbourhood! Thank you so much!
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