look out for this as a poster around sydney uni starting from today, and as a quarter page ad in drum media/brag next week.i'm also thinking of making a handful up as screenprinted a3 posters to try and sell. anyone want one?
how much will you sell them for? i just listened to a brackets song... i'm really looking forward to this show.
well, if i print some up, i'll make enough for the performers to have one without paying, and a few left over to sell to any interested punters, or in 20 years time to folks who want collectable copies of my amazing artworks.
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look out for this as a poster around sydney uni starting from today, and as a quarter page ad in drum media/brag next week.
i'm also thinking of making a handful up as screenprinted a3 posters to try and sell. anyone want one?
how much will you sell them for? i just listened to a brackets song... i'm really looking forward to this show.
well, if i print some up, i'll make enough for the performers to have one without paying, and a few left over to sell to any interested punters, or in 20 years time to folks who want collectable copies of my amazing artworks.
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